This is the petition page

Click to link to the petition

To download right click and select save as.

If you know of enough people who object against the development then please download and ask your friends to complete it.  To have any completed petitions collected mail us.  We do not want our addresses posted on this site for privacy reasons.  We will respect your privacy and treat any personal contact details as confidential.

Unfortunately Wirral Borough Council has indicated that it will not accept electronic submissions.  If your location means that it is impractical to download and send by snail mail we suggest mailing the Council Planning Office directly.  Remembering to put your name and postal address on the e mail.  Alternatively, mail us and we will forward on any comments.

If you live near Port Sunlight we are looking for volunteers to collect signatures in the village.  If you feel stongly about this issue then e mail us write to the PO Box below:

Save Port Sunlight

PO Box 208


CH62 5WY